Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Reflection, originally uploaded by Kalvin..

This was a very nice reflection on Bear Loon lake. This was the view from our camp on the last night on the Chilkoot Tail hike.

The Chilkoot Trail is now known for for the gold rush of 1898. Thousands of people would go to Seattle, WA and then take a boat to Skagway Alaska. From there they took this trail over the pass and camped out for the winter. Come spring they got in the log rafts they built duing the long winter and went on to the Yukon through Whitehorse and on to Dawson City.

We saw some of the best views in North America on this hike with one exception. The Dempster Hwy. has the best views I'm told. I hope to travel the several hundred miles road North of Whitehorse to the Arctic Ocean someday.



Our Family said...

What GORGEOUS scenery! Wow it is breathtaking!